Good Manufacturing Practices
SeerPharma references the major GMP regulations and regulators in its courses that are used by, as used by our customers. These include but are not limited to:
- Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S) Guide to GMP
- Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA, Australia)
- Medsafe (New Zealand)
- Health Sciences Authority (HSA, Singapore)
- Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 21, Parts 11, 210, 211
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA, United States)
- European Union (EU) EudraLex - Volume 4 - Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) guidelines
- European Medicines Agency (EMA)
- Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA, United Kingdom)
11 Self-Paced GMP eLearning Courses to Choose From
Click course titles below to view course outlines or click here to access a short demonstration version of GMP1: Introduction to GMP.
Hosting Options
- SeerPharma's online Learning Management System, or
- Your organisation's independent SCORM 1.2-compatible Learning or Quality Management System
How Does it Work in SeerPharma's LMS?
For individuals, we simply setup your training account, create enrolments in the required courses and e-mail you your Login IDs and links to set a password and login. You generally have 3 months to complete the training.
For companies, we setup a dedicated account and configure it to your needs. You have independent access to create new user accounts, enrol users in training, view progress and run reports. Trainees are generally accessing the LMS on annual user licences.
Each course takes 30-45 minutes but is self-paced so trainees can progress as fast or slow as they need to commit the lessons to memory. Trainees can take a break from the course and come back to finish it in another session another time, the LMS will save their progress.
After the training, there is a 10-question quiz assessment. Each quiz is a random selection of true/false, multiple-choice and multiple-answer questions. The pass mark is 8/10 (80%) and trainees get 3 attempts; trainees can also save their progress in the quiz and return to complete it later. After passing the quiz , the LMS generates a PDF Certificate (for each course).
We offer a range of implementation and pricing options to meet training needs of individuals, as well as small to large organisations.
How Much Does it Cost?

Contact us with a specific request.
GMP eLearning training courses are developed in HTML 5 and published as SCORM 1.2 packages (ZIP files) to be compatible with virtually any modern internet browser.