MasterControl Logbooks gives you unmatched control over building, issuing, executing, and reviewing logbooks. With a purpose-built drag-and-drop template builder, an intuitive end-user interface, and built-in controls to ensure accuracy, the quality of your logbooks is about to skyrocket. It’s time to bin those binders and embrace an electronic logbook solution that delivers immediate time savings, error reduction, and data integrity.

Logbooks Data Analytics
Using out-of-the box or custom tags, system administrators decide what data to capture from logbooks. This makes it possible to pull data into custom reports and dashboards using MasterControl Premium Insights to plot equipment and facility activity and status over time. For example, analyze equipment performance logs to predict potential maintenance issues.

Integrated With Quality, Manufacturing, and Equipment
Paper-based logbooks exist in a silo – disconnected from your manufacturing and quality tech stack, tools, and equipment. Native integrations to MasterControl Quality Excellence (Qx) enable direct access to critical standard operating procedures (SOPs), training checks, and form launching, while connectivity to MasterControl Production Records ensure data integrity by exchanging real-time information about equipment status, relevant data fields, and ensuring traceability.

Digitize, simplify, and connect facility and equipment logbooks
MasterControl’s electronic logbook software
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MasterControl Logbooks’ drag-and-drop template builder streamlines logbooks management. Use advanced settings to set up approval routing, validate new templates, and control access based on role, title, or location. Rapidly launch multiple logbooks from a single template and rest easy knowing that all revisions are tracked and archived.

Validation Innovation
Validation on Demand (VoD) is MasterControl’s latest validation innovation designed specifically to validate custom workflows like those created with MasterControl Logbooks. It only takes minutes with the click of a button.

Logbooks Data Analytics
Using out-of-the box or custom tags, system administrators decide what data to capture from logbooks. This makes it possible to pull data into custom reports and dashboards using MasterControl Premium Insights to plot equipment and facility activity and status over time. For example, analyze equipment performance logs to predict potential maintenance issues.

Integrated With Quality, Manufacturing, and Equipment
Paper-based logbooks exist in a silo – disconnected from your manufacturing and quality tech stack, tools, and equipment. Native integrations to MasterControl Quality Excellence (Qx) enable direct access to critical standard operating procedures (SOPs), training checks, and form launching, while connectivity to MasterControl Production Records ensure data integrity by exchanging real-time information about equipment status, relevant data fields, and ensuring traceability.

MasterControl’s electronic logbook software

MasterControl Logbooks’ drag-and-drop template builder streamlines logbooks management. Use advanced settings to set up approval routing, validate new templates, and control access based on role, title, or location. Rapidly launch multiple logbooks from a single template and rest easy knowing that all revisions are tracked and archived.

MasterControl’s electronic logbook software

Moving from paper to electronic logbooks is easier than ever. Mimic existing logbooks with common data capture elements, such as numeric, text, and time or date stamps. Users can work concurrently in the same logbook or even in the same entry without worrying about overriding data. Plus, access can be granted at the name, role, or location level, so users only see those logbooks that are relevant to their job or function.

MasterControl’s electronic logbook software

Regulated companies must document everything - facility and equipment use, condition, availability, and more. With MasterControl Logbooks, training checks, numeric limits, corrections, and barcode scanning ensure the right information is entered into the right logbook every time, while integrations - e.g., between environmental monitoring equipment and logbooks - eliminate the need for manual transcription from third-party software, equipment, and tools.

MasterControl’s electronic logbook software

Expand entries to see a detailed view at any time and track all activity in a logbook or template via an activity panel. Search for templates, launched logbooks, or specific entries to locate specific activities, dates, users, and more. Easily identify which entries are still in progress, are ready for review, or have already been reviewed. Leverage review by exception to eliminate timely line-by-line entry review.

Validation Innovation
Validation on Demand (VoD) is MasterControl’s latest validation innovation designed specifically to validate custom workflows like those created with MasterControl Logbooks. It only takes minutes with the click of a button.
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